
9 tips to lose weight without dieting

  1. Expect to lose weight at the same rate you gained it (if you actually want to keep it off)! Generally you should aim for 0.5-1 lb/week if you are moderately overweight up to 1.5-2 lb/week if you have a lot of weight to lose.
  2. Avoid extreme diets (or really a diet mentality at all!) - you might see some short term results but suddenly starving your body of calories (for example in a lemon detox, actually puts your body into starvation mode, causing you to cling onto fat)
  3. Shedding some pounds off the bat can help you boost your confidence. Easy wins include cutting out liquid calories (this includes alcohol and sports drinks), as well as dessert.
  4. Speaking of dessert, you don't need to resign yourself to a life without any sweets. Its more about portion control. However, allow yourself a bite only when something indulgent is trying amazing. That day old scone still sitting in your office kitchen? Not worth it.
  5. Mindful eating is a hot topic right now, but try mindful drinking. Alcohol itself has a ton of calories and sugar. Many people get the munchies when tipsy which can throw out a week's worth of disciplined eating.
  6. Its not always all about cutting things out: try adding more vegetables and drinking more water.
  7. Sleeping more is shown to lead to weight loss (you have less awake time to eat, and when you are well-rested, you are more likely to say no to things you shouldn't eat). Who doesn't love to lose weight by snoozing in bed during the chilly holidays?
  8. Try meditation, yoga, warm baths, or other forms of active relaxation. When you are stressed out, the levels of stress hormones (cortisol) in your body rise. Cortisol increases your cravings and promotes weight gain (particularly abdominal/ belly fat).
  9. There is no better way to learn about what goes into your food and what a portion size looks like than learning to cook! See firsthand how much butter or sugar goes into different dishes. Cooking at home is invariably healthier than eating out and better for your budget.