
What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is the practice of eating both with attention and intention. In today’s world, we often eat on-the-go, with many distractions, and sometimes for reasons other than hunger. We eat because we are happy. We eat because we are sad. We eat because we are bored. We eat because food is in front of us. We eat because others are eating. Sometimes we actually do eat because we are hungry, but maybe make poor choices. Mindful eating is the practice of tuning-in to your body and not only focusing on what you eat but why, when and how you eat.

As you go throughout your day, ask yourself the following questions to tune in to your eating habits.

  • Do you eat while watching television or while on your computer?
  • Do you eat simply because food is in front of you?
  • Do you eat when you are not hungry?
  • What patterns did you notice throughout the day?

Consider keeping a food log of why, when and how you eat, leaving the “what” you eat part out of it. Creating awareness around our habits is the first step to changing them!