
Mindful Eating: Eating Out

Restaurant portions are larger than ever. Portion-proof your meal by asking for a to-go box ahead of time. Box up half of your meal when it arrives then enjoy the half still in front of you. Check in with yourself throughout the meal to monitor your fullness cues and to know when you are still hungry and when you are done. If you still feel truly hungry, you can eat more. By having ½ the meal already boxed up, instead of it sitting right in front of you, you’ll feel more satisfied having finished your reasonable portion.

Decide how you want to feel when you are done eating. Your stomach is roughly the size or your first. If you get a burrito the size of a football, you can probably guess you are going to feel overly full when you are done. By boxing up half the meal ahead of time you are more likely to eat only until you are satisfied.