
The Mindful Eating Process

Diets address what to eat but often don’t address why, how or where we eat. Mindful eating is about coming off of autopilot and tuning in to your eating habits in a non-judgmental manner. The following questions will help you bring awareness around your eating habits. Add these answers to your awareness journal.

  • Why do I eat? Hunger, stress, sadness, joy, because food is present, because it is time to eat etc.
  • What do I eat? How do you decide what to eat? Is there a connection between why you eat and what you eat?
  • How do I eat? Fast, slow, distracted working, watching TV, alone, with others etc.
  • How much do I eat? Do you eat until you are satisfied or until you are stuffed full?
  • How do you know when to stop eating? When your plate is empty? When you feel satisfied? Full? If you eat when you are not
  • hungry, what causes you to stop stop?

Don’t forget, mindful eating is not about being perfect, it’s being aware of your choices and being deliberate about making them!